It takes a lot of courage to admit you’re not 100% happy where you are. And it takes even more draw the line and start working on making things different. That’s why so few people step up and do something about it.
But you’re different. You’re one of the few who have decided that enough is enough. That it’s your time. That you’re going to do what it takes to achieve the health, fitness and body you want. So I want to congratulate you on taking this most important step.
I’m excited about helping you onto the path to success. As this programme is going to completely transform your health, fitness and body for the better.
By joining our community you’ve surrounded yourself with a great support network. Myself and the DF team are dedicated to your success. And if you need help with anything along the way please, don’t hesitate to ask.
We measure our success on how well you do, so we’re committed to providing the support you need.
Other people in the DF community are going through their own fitness journey too – just like you. And many will be more than happy to share their experiences of what’s working for them.
A good place to start getting involved is the DF Facebook page. Simply ‘like’ us and jump in on the activity.
Over the next 90 days we’re going to set you some challenges. We’re going to ask you to do things that are outside of your comfort zone. It’s okay to be uncomfortable with this. And it’s totally normal.
Just know that the things that feel uncomfortable are the things that’ll be moving you closer towards your goals.
We’re here to guide you through the process. Myself and the DF team will give you all the tools, support and coaching you need to be successful.
But there’s one caveat. It’s YOU who needs to take action. It’s up to you to implement the recommendations we make for you.
Essentially to get results on the programme you need to take personal responsibility for achieving your goals.
We’ll be doing everything we can to support you. Every four weeks we’ll get together to review your progress, take some measurements, see what’s going well, where we need to improve and tweak your programme to keep things moving forwards.
But in the meantime I want to set you up with your first challenge…
I’d encourage you to make the commitment to yourself and your goals. Resolve to do what it takes to achieve the health, fitness and body you want.
Give yourself permission to make you, your body and your well-being a priority for the next 90 days – regardless of what comes up.
And be determined to get to the 12 week checkpoint and be able to say you absolutely gave it your best.