You’re going to face challenges over the coming weeks. That’s cool, and totally expected.
What’s not cool is facing the same issues over and over without being prepared to deal with them.
That can be incredibly disruptive to your progress and -if left unchecked- will absolutely stand in the way of you achieving your goals.
Let me guide you through some of the common challenges you’re likely to face during your transformation along with some of the mistakes many people make.
Over the next few lessons we’ll cover how to solve these problems, avoid making the mistakes and move past them so you continue on journey to success.
When we start anything new we feel motivated. And believe this is how we’re always going to feel.
You’re determined to get the best results, so you push yourselves to the limit in the gym, train 5 days per week, seriously cut back on the diet. Drink more water and take up pilates and yoga to help you recover.
When you struggle to keep all the plates spinning you end up crashing and burning. You can’t do your whole 3 hour routine so you end up doing nothing. You can’t eat your perfectly balanced meal plan, so you end up gorging on fish and chips.
You feel guilty, like you’ve let yourselves down. And ultimately you give up, convinced that you just don’t have the willpower to be fit, lean and healthy.
The problem wasn’t you. It’s that you tried to do too much too soon. You forgot that ups and downs in motivation are totally normal. And that to try and learn a whole new way of living overnight was always destined to fail.
To combat this start by focusing on changing just one thing (for Fit & Lean we recommend your first habit revolves around your exercise routine).
Develop a routine that’s 100% manageable. Even on your busiest, most stressful week.
Sure it needs to be challenging enough so you start feeling fitter, but not so overwhelming that when you don’t feel like exercising (and believe, this time will come!).
Rather than trying to address everything all at once, we recommend starting small. Focusing on one area (like working out 3-5 days per week). Master that, then move onto the next thing.
Make a small change to your diet. Get consistent then move onto the next thing.
Increase how active you are each day. Master that, then move onto the next thing.
Fitness Truth #1: Start Small
Throughout the programme we’ll be encouraging you to take it one step at a time. Master each habit individually. Then build on those habits over the weeks and months.
By the end of the programme you’ll have a number of new habits and behaviours that align with the body you want. And you’ll have built them in a way that’s sustainable – which means lasting results.
Today’s we’ve covered how building up new habits one at a time is the way to go for sustainable change. And how keeping your ‘behaviour goals’ manageable will allow you to keep going long enough to see the results you’re looking for.