12in12 Lesson 2 - Diligent Fitness

12in12 Lesson 2

New Habit: Take Fish Oil and a Multivitamin Every Day

We’re going to keep it simple to kick start the fat loss process. Your job for the next two weeks is to take a fish oil supplement and a multivitamin every day. At the end of each day put a tick your chart to say you’ve done it, or mark it with a cross (X) if you haven’t.

Why Take Fish Oil Every Day

From reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, to improving mood and speeding up fat loss, the benefits of supplementing with omega 3 are well known. All we need to do now is get them in your diet.

A quick and easy way to speed up your metabolism is to take a high dose of omega 3 rich fish oil. The specific fatty acids we’re looking for are EPA and DHA, and your fish oil supplement will provide these in abundance.

What Kind?

I’d recommend a liquid fish oil supplement over the capsules. It’s easier to take for the higher doses you’re going to be using. I don’t recommend cod liver oil, as it’s lower in omega 3 than fish oil and can even lead to Vitamin A toxicity. So go with flavoured liquid fish oil.

Trusted Brands

A couple of the brands we recommend:

1. Eskimo 3 Liquid Fish Oil

2. Carlson The Very Finest Fish Oil

There are plenty more good quality products on the market. These are the two we’ve had most success with.

Can’t I Just Eat Oily Fish?

In a word; no. Having oily fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardine is one way to get some omega 3s in. The problem is with all the pollutants in the ocean these days oily fish is contaminated with mercury and nasty pesticide residues known as PCBs.

While eating oily fish a couple of times a week is fine, taking a ‘clean’ fish oil supplement is the best way to do it.

Can I Use Capsules I’ve Already Got?

For the first two to four weeks the dose is high, so I’d recommend you to go with the liquid version. It’s a lot easier than swallowing 15+ capsules per day. Just save the capsules and if you want just go back to using them after the initial two to four weeks.

How Much Should You Take?

Start off by taking 1 gram of fish oil per percentage of body fat. It’s ok if you don’t know you body fat %, I’m going to give you a quick reference to guide you based on your weight.

  1. If you’re a little overweight (want to lose a few pounds) take 15g fish oil (1tbsp/3 tsp) per day
  2. If you’re moderately overweight (want to lose 1-2 stone) take 20g fish oil (4tsp) per day
  3. If you’re very overweight (want to lose 2 stone or more) take 30g (2tbsp) per day

The upper limit for fish oil is 30g per day, so if you’re 30% body fat or above just stick with 30g (2 tbsp) per day.

After two weeks the fat loss process will be under way, and your body will have caught up on some much needed omega 3. So after the second week you need to cut your dose in half.

For example; If you were taking 20g (4tsp) per day after two weeks you’d go down to 10g (2tsp) for the duration of the programme.

It’s worth marking this on your calendar now so you remember to reduce your dose.

What If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet?

In this case go for an algae based supplement. It doesn’t have the same effect on your
metabolism as fish oil, but is better than no omega 3 supplementation. So if you decide to go this route take 2g per day of algae oil for the first four weeks, and then reduce to 1g per day from then on.

Supplement Tips

Omega 3 supplements go down best with a meal. So you just need to divide your dose in two, take half the dose with breakfast and the other half with dinner.

The most common side effect of omega 3 supplementation is fish/algae burp or loose stools. But most people never get these problems. If you do, just start off with a lower dose and build up. That way your body will adapt and get used to the higher intake of oil pretty quickly.

NOTE: Consult your GP of pharmacist if you’re taking any blood thinners such as warfarin, have a bleeding disorder like haemophilia or you’re about to undergo surgery.

What About The Multi-Vitamin?

Statistics show just how nutrient deficient most people are. Which means we’re not eating enough of the right type of foods to get everything our body needs to run properly. Sure, we can survive with nutrient deficiencies, but this program isn’t about just surviving. So part two of your new habit is to take a multi-vitamin every day.

Recommended Brands

1. Metagenics: Multigenics
2. Garden of Life: Raw One For Women / Raw One for Men

Just read the instructions and take the recommended daily dose. If you’re already taking any prescription medication it might be worth discussing the addition of a multi-vitamin and fish oil with your pharmacist/GP.


1. Get fish oil

Go online or to the local health food store and buy an omega 3 liquid fish oil supplement. I’d recommend either:

– Eskimo 3 Liquid Fish Oil
– Carlson The Very Finest Fish Oil

2. Get multi-vitamins

Go online or to the local health food store and buy a multivitamin. I’d recommend either:

– Metagenics Multigenics
– Garden of Life Raw One For Women / Raw One for Men

3. Take your fish oil and multi-vitamin everyday

Take 1g per percentage of body fat
– If you’re a little overweight take 15g (1tbsp)
– If you’re moderately overweight take 20g (4tsp)
– If you’re very overweight take 30g (2tbsp)

Split your dose and take half with breakfast and half with dinner

After two weeks cut your dose in half. This is the amount you’ll be taking ongoing

4. Update your tick chart every day

Each day put a tick on your chart to show you’ve taken your fish oil and multivitamin supplement. Put a cross (X) on any days you miss.