I braved the great outdoors yesterday with a trip up to the Lakes. The aim was to take on Blencathra… one of Englands’ most northerly mountains.
But due to some pretty wild conditions (and 60 minutes of crawling through knee deep snow!) I decided to head back. Sometimes not even I’m that stubborn.
Hiking in the mountains serves as a good reminder that the path to any goal is rarely direct.
One of the most common misconceptions I hear from newbies looking to improve their health and fitness is that they expect to make linear progress towards the body they want.
They expect to go from strength to strength. To feel fitter every week. And for the weight to drop off in a consistent fashion. Otherwise they’re failing.
But that’s not how it works.
At times you’ll feel like you’re flying. Then the next moment it feels like you’re right back where you started.
But don’t worry. Having witnessed hundreds of men and women transform their body I can assure you this is totally normal.
Yep, even those who succeeded felt like giving up.
But there is one thing that separates those who go on to transform their body.
When they tripped they regained their balance. When they fell they picked themselves up, dusted off and carried on.
So today, if you’re pursuing better health and fitness, acknowledge that there are going to be highs and lows along the way.
Success doesn’t mean not having these highs and lows. So expect them. Anticipate them. Understand they’re a totally normal part of the process.
Knowing this will hopefully make working towards your health and fitness goals a little less demoralizing!
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