Fit & Lean Lesson 3: Where are you now? - Diligent Fitness

Fit & Lean Lesson 3: Where are you now?

At scouts, way back in the day,  I remember an exercise where we got dropped off in the middle of nowhere and had to navigate our way home.

As a youngster with little to no experience it felt like we were stranded in the wilderness miles from civilization (it was actually the local woods 5 minutes drive down the road).

The only way we could figure out which direction to head was to get clear on where we actually were. From that we could establish the right direction and get moving.

We’ve got to know where you are

It’s impossible to plan a route effectively if you don’t know exactly where you’re starting from. The same applies to your body transformation journey too.

That’s why the Fitness Diagnostic Assessment is key to your success. We can help you devise strategies and plans to achieve your goals and transition through the 4 stages of body transformation. But we need to know where you’re at right now in order to plot the right course.

It starts with your frustrations

What are you unhappy with about with your body right now? What are the things that are causing you pain that you want to be different? Once we’ve identified this we can move on to what you’d like to achieve, and why it’s important to you. This is what we explored during your initial consultation.

Why it’s important to know where you’re starting

Identifying where you are now gives us a baseline to help measure your progress. But equally; it helps both you and I understand what’s really motivating you.

There’s a bigger reason why you want to transform your body. And that reason (along with the structure and routines we’re going to introduce you to) is what’s going to keep you moving through the challenges we’re going to face during your transformation journey.

What else does the Fitness Diagnostic Assessment cover?

Apart from what you’d like to be different we need to know about things like how physically active you are, what -if any- exercise you do, what your diet looks like and how your overall lifestyle is.

From this we can get clear on the exact habits and routines we need to work on to get you to the next level.

You assignment: Complete the Fitness Diagnostic Assessment worksheet

You next step in the journey is to print a copy of the diagnostic assessment, fill in all the details, take a photo and email to (or you can hand it to us at the studio).

Download the Fitness Diagnostic Assessment worksheet

The more honest you can be with this and the more detail you give us to work with the better we can guide you along the way.

What’s next?

Next lesson we’re going to look at your vision for the future, and set some specific goals for you to achieve by the 12 week checkpoint.