Gym Challenge - May 2015 - Diligent Fitness

Gym Challenge – May 2015

Bosu front squat

Here’s one to test your balance!

bosu front squat with powerbag

The Bosu front squat is about progressing through the levels with impeccable technique, rather than competing to lift the heaviest weights possible at any cost:

Level 1 is standing still on the Bosu for 20 seconds without either side of the Bosu ‘plate’ touching  the floor.

Level 2 is progressing to a bodyweight front squat – use the pole across the fronts of your arms and keep them out straight in front. Perform 5 reps to the standard below.

Level 3 is a weighted front squat – use a 10kg powerbag held in front of you, palms facing forwards to pull it into your chest. Perform 5 reps to the standard below.

Level 4 is a heavier weighted front squat – use a 20kg powerbag held in front of you, palms facing forwards to pull it into your chest. Perform 5 reps to the standard below.

Front squat technique:

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  • Make sure you’ve done your warm up; but you could do this before or after your workout
  • For a squat to be counted as a rep your thighs must be parallel to the floor at the bottom, bum out, chest up, shoulders pulled back and chin tucked in
  • You must get any weight you’re using, and yourself balanced on the Bosu for your reps to count (clean the powerbag up into position)
  • If either one of your feet, or the Bosu ‘plate’ touches the floor you have to begin again.


The progress tracker is up in the studio.


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