Have you ever looked back at your holiday photos and thought Ughhhh! I met with Charlie recently, who’d been away on holiday, and after seeing the post holiday photos was mortified about how much weight had snuck on – seemingly overnight. On reflection she realised that actually, it had been over the last couple of […]
Read MoreHere’s a shocker; When it comes to changing your body, doing anything less than 100% of what you’re capable of leads to little to no positive changes. How unfair is that? You diligently put aside time for exercise, put in the effort and for what? Sure, you feel better when you leave the gym, class […]
Read MoreHave you ever had a DIY project that you just never get round to doing? This is the situation we’d been in at home for the last year or so. First it was just a blind. I could put that up, no problem. So I resolved to – at some point – do it. Then […]
Read MoreUnfortunately we see loads of people work really hard to get in great shape. Only to gain it all back. In today’s post I want to share a few things that – if fat loss is your goal – will help you avoid a few common mistakes. And if you have fallen victim to the […]
Read MoreHave you ever thought “I just need more willpower”. I have for sure. Especially when it comes to taking control of food. And at a first glace it makes total sense. But after years of coaching clients through transforming how they look and feel I promise you that focusing on having more willpower isn’t the key. […]
Read MoreLast week I took a friend out for hike over in the Peak District. As always we got to talking about life. More specifically the balance between advancing his career and staying in shape. He struggled to squeeze in work, study, family and all the other things he had to tend to in a day AND eat well […]
Read MoreGot out in the hills with Lyz this weekend, and after ascending the first one (legs burning, gasping for breath) we got chatting about what it really takes for a person to see improvements in their body, health or fitness. The conclusion; The willingness to repeatedly work outside the comfort zone. What’s your comfort zone? Staying in your […]
Read MoreI want to introduce you to something that’s been a massive help to my progress over the years. And I’m confident it’ll help on your journey to better health and fitness too It’s not a new exercise, or faddy diet tip. It’s called the ‘Growth Mindset’; something I was introduced to by Psychologist Carol Dweck. Rather […]
Read MoreI strongly believe good health and happiness go hand in hand. That’s why I’m committed to doing things that I know improve both my health and my day to day happiness. But that wasn’t always the case. Life before fitness Before I got involved with the fitness industry I was kinda getting carried by the […]
Read MoreI’ve been reading a great book; the Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. Ever heard of it? It highlights one of the biggest challenges you’ll face getting in shape: The results of your actions won’t be apparent at the end of the today. Nor tomorrow. Heck, probably not even by the end of the week. Day […]
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