It’s easy to get in the habit of doing the same old gym routine. Perhaps like me, you were shown some exercises back in the 90’s by a crazy muay thai instructor and you just kept doing them. You too thought that 1000 sit ups a day was the best way to flat abs. But […]
Read MoreYou know you feel better when you exercise. You know it’s good for you and yet sometimes (ok, most of the time) exercising can feel like a chore. So how can we make it less like something you have to do, and more like something you want to do? Two words: performance. goal. Adding a […]
Read MoreHeavy sled push Test your power – see how much you can push! This is simply (!) pushing the sled/prowler the length of the ropes in the gym with as much added weight as you can move. Your power comes from your legs and hips (not arms) and the idea is to move the weight […]
Read MoreIf your goal is to see positive changes in your body there are things that, when you focus too much on, will prevent you seeing results. In today’s post I’d like to share the trap you’d need to avoid, and what to focus on instead to see results. The problem is you can’t lose weight. […]
Read MoreHave you ever worked out and noticed that over the weeks you started to hit a plateau? You stopped being able to do more. You found you stopped being able to lift heavier weights. And the changes you were seeing in your body came to a halt. Bit of a bummer for you and me. […]
Read MoreVertical Jump / Sargent Jump Test Test your leg muscles elastic strength and power output! This is a test of muscular power, often used in fitness testing. The Sargent jump test consists of measuring the difference between your maximum vertical reach before jumping and at the highest point during a jump. Typically, you swing your […]
Read MoreUnderhand Forward Slam Ball Throw Test your athletic potential! According to T Nation doing this with a medicine ball is the best exercise to test athleticism. It’s used by some strength coaches to test athletes in a sports like football, hockey, basketball, or baseball, for athletic potential. We’re doing it with a slam ball to […]
Read MoreTRX Mountain Climbers This is an ab killer – if you thought ab wheel roll-outs were hard… There’s only 1 level here – build up to 30 seconds The hardest part of this exercise I reckon is getting your feet into the TRX handles! Best bet is to kneel down whilst putting your feet into […]
Read More30 Second Eccentric Pull-up Something a bit different this month… a test of strength and willpower rather than balance There’s only 1 level here – build up to 30 seconds Start at the top of a pull-up position and slowly, but continuously, lower yourself down – the idea is to take 30 seconds to get […]
Read MoreStability Ball (SB) Sitting Balance Test your balance… Level 1: SB Sitting Balance with leg raised Sit on the stability ball with arms stretched out to the side. Then raise your left leg off the floor so it’s straight out in front of you. Level 2: SB Sitting Balance with arms crossed and eyes closed […]
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